The Trusted #ArtAndActivism Digital Marketing Service, Established 1997.

Put On BLAST! (aka POB!) is AKILA WORKSONGS’s free subscription-based digital marketing service. We promote events and services to a loyal network of people interested in what we call arts and activism content. The content ranges from art exhibitions, live concerts, booksignings, film screenings, community gatherings, social justice calls-to-action, and more.

The POB! network consists of tens of thousands of POB! newsletter subscribers, Facebook, Twitter/X, Instagram followers, LinkedIn connections, and those whose lists we manage. It also includes hundreds of media professionals (journalists, editors, producers, and bloggers).

Subscribers nationwide enjoy POB! Most subscribers live/work in the New York/New Jersey, Washington, D.C. regions, and in other urban centers, including Atlanta, Oakland, Los Angeles, and Chicago.


  • We are not for everybody. Proudly, we only service clients aligned with #artsandactivism, progressive, and/or radical, independently-minded content.
  • Our loyal subscribers rely on our newsletter to keep them "in the know." This yields an open rate that consistently hovers around 30% (above average).
  • Our POB! newsletter features exclusive, single-subject content. This means that we don't bombard readers with an overwhelming amount of content to scroll through. Offering exclusive, dedicated blasts is our standard.
  • Social media placements and/or cross-promotions with major cultural arts institutions in New York are built-in features for select packages.

POB! Digital Marketing = Email + Social Media + Mobile (SMS)

  • POB! Email + Social Media: The AKILA email list and social media channels—added with our clients’ lists and channels (which we co-manage) include more than 60,000 subscribers, friends, followers, and contacts (mostly in the USA).
  • POB! Mobile Marketing (Text Messages): 200+ subscribers get POB! text messages directly to their smartphones (2x per week).

SELECT POB! CLIENTS AND PARTNERS (Past and Present): African Voices/Carolyn A. Butts; Apollo Theater; Aase Yaa Cultural Arts Foundation; Black VegFest/Liberation Farm; Byron Hurt; Caribbean Cultural Center African Diaspora Institute (CCCADI); Carnegie Hall; Center for Black Literature at Medgar Evers College, CUNY; Chief Ayanda Clarke/THE FADARA GROUP; Comedy Central; Howard Alumni United; Kevin Powell; Marc Lamont Hill; PEN World Voices Literary Festival; Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture; Symphony Space; The Public Theater; Theatre for a New Audience; Walk Tall Girl Productions; Walker International Communications Group; Whitney Museum of American Art, and others!

Want to Reach Thousands of Like-Minded People?

Contact us to discuss our Put On BLAST! digital marketing service.

AKILA WORKSONGS is in partnership with AKILA Unlimited LLC. It is a member of Chief Ayanda Clarke's Integrated Wealth Alliance (IWA). For photo credits, click HERE. For a directory of links and events, visit Linktree.

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🔆 Honoring Indigenous Lands and Communities