I’m noticing that folks are adorning their work with the phrase more and more. For example, after talking with a peer recently about my work, my approach, my marketing techniques, and what I call this body of work (arts and activism), I discovered that that work (what I shared with this gentleman earlier) actually re-presented as this gentleman’s own lecture…under the heading that he just learned from me.
Well, I think it’s a good thing when good things expand. I think it’s also important to tell the truth about what we know. In my speeches and in casual settings, I often link this catchy phrase back to the folks I heard it from first just a few years ago. I have stamped my work accordingly for the past three years. And with media, public relations, and marketing being a huge part of the work I do professionally, that makes for a pretty big stamp.
So, let me archive it here now, in writing, the origin of this “new” catch-phrase: as far as I know, the poetic and intelligent folks at Alternate ROOTS birthed the phrase “arts and activism” and AKILA WORKSONGS popularized it…the description, not the concept, of course.