Award-winning documentary filmmaker Byron Hurt has been an AKILA WORKSONGS A-List client since 2006. In 2011, he approached us with a new idea. He wanted to use a new platform known as Kickstarter as a way to raise money for the film that all his admirers knew he was finishing. Hurt was no stranger to raising money for his films but we were all new to this thing called Kickstarter.

We planned meticulously and ultimately cleared a path for success. Thanksgiving 2011, we set out to raise $25K for Soul Food Junkies and by Christmas, we exceeded that goal. So we set another, and exceed that one too. By the campaign's end, 421 backers donated $31,358. Soul Food Junkies went on to break records when it aired on PBS' Independent Lens.

FAST FORWARD: The agency has created, directly managed, or advised more than a dozen crowdfunding campaigns on Kickstarter, IndieGogo, and GoFundMe. As of summer 2021, we've helped secure $349,104 (or approximately $23K per campaign) for clients.

We know what it takes to launch and sustain a successful online funding campaign. If you think you're ready to turn your passion project into a funded reality, even now during the pandemic, then let's explore the possibilities.

Interested in Learning More?

Contact us to discuss our crowdfunding expertise.

AKILA WORKSONGS is in partnership with AKILA Unlimited LLC. It is a member of Chief Ayanda Clarke's Integrated Wealth Alliance (IWA). For photo credits, click HERE. For a directory of links and events, visit Linktree.

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